Example Setup of External CM Service (NodePort)

To setup the OneDB External CM service as a NodePort you would typically set the original onedbcm service so that it can only be accessed from within the cluster. This is done by setting the serviceType to ClusterIP.

Then, configure the External CM serivce accordingly. The configuration below exposes only the SSL ports for the traditional SQLI protocol. Depending on the kubernetes platform being used the port numbers from a NodePort service may need to be in a specific range. You can change the port numbers accordingly to fit with the required range.
        serviceType: ClusterIP

        enabled: true
        serviceType: NodePort
            oltpsslp:           30020
            reportsslp:         30021
            oltpanysslp:        30022
            reportrsssslp:      30023
Below is the list of services showing the onedbcm-cm-service defined as ClusterIP and the onedbcm-ext-service defined as NodePort. You can access the configured ports through each Nodes IP address.
kubectl get services 

NAME                         TYPE              CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                 PORT(S)                  AGE
helm-1-odbp-explore        ClusterIP       <none>                   8080/TCP                  20m
helm-1-odbp-mongo          ClusterIP       <none>                  27017/TCP                  20m
helm-1-odbp-rest           ClusterIP        <none>                   8080/TCP                  20m
onedbcm-cm-service         ClusterIP      <none>                  10000/TCP,20000/TCP        19m
onedbcm-ext-service        NodePort       <none>                  30020:30020/TCP            19m