OneDB SQL Data Store Configuration

To customize the installation and configurations, see the list of configuration parameters available to the OneDB SQL Data Store.

List of OneDB SQL Data Store Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description Value
global.hclImagePullSecret Your own secret with your credentials to HCL’s Docker repository. Required when deploying solution in your own cluster. ‘’
global.isOpenShift Set to true if using Openshift false
hclFlexnetURL Your HCL FlexNet license server URL for your HCL entitlements. Required when deploying in your own cluster ‘’
hclFlexnetID Your HCL FlexNet license ID fo ryour HCL entitlements. Required when deploying solution in your own cluster. ‘’
nfsserver.enabled Set this attribute to ‘true’ to mount ReadWriteMany PVC across all OneDB server pods. Required for OnBar storage space and logical log backups. If this attribute value is set to ‘false’, then rest of the “nfsserver” related helm attributes are ignored. false
nfsserver.volumeSize Size of the Volume used for backups and other shared files. 50G
nfsserver.googleFilestore.enable Set to true to enable Google Filestore false
nfsserver.googleFilestore.filestoreIP IP address of the Filestore instance ‘’
nfsserver.googleFilestore.filestoreShare Name of the File share on the instance ‘’
nfsserver.awsEFS.enable Set to true to enable AWS Elastic filestore false
nfsserver.awsEFS.EFSServer DNS name of the file system
nfsserver.awsEFS.EFSPath NFS Mount path /
nfsserver.azureFS.enable Set to true to enable Azure File share false
nfsserver.azureFS.secretName Kubernetes secret name to use ‘’
nfsserver.azureFS.shareName Azure file share name ‘’
nfsserver.other.enable Set to true to enable true
nfsserver.other.storageClass Set this to the storageClass of the NFS nfs
tls.config Set to true to enable TLS communication false
tls.tlskey Base64 value of server private key tlskey: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS ...
tls.tlscert Base64 value of signed server certificate tlscert: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSEDFRQ0FURS ...
tls.tlscacert Base64 value of certificate authority root certificate tlscacert: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS ...
autoscaling.enabled Set to true to enable auto scaling. To use auto scaling make sure to set onedb.serverReplicaCount, onedb.maxReplicaCount and onedb.resources appropriately. false
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Set to the Percentage when autoscaling should occur. 70
onedb.serverReplicaCount Set to the number of servers to start for an HA cluster 2
onedb.maxReplicaCount Set to the max value of servers you would want to configure in the HA cluster 10
onedb.dbsapwd OneDB Server DBSA (onedbsa) user password onedb4ever
onedb.backupTag Set to unique value in case the backup device is shared with other OneDB HA Cluster onedbbackup-myuniquetag
onedb.encryptionAtRest Set to true to enable Encryption at rest false
onedb.exploreAgent Set to true to start the OneDB Explore Agent on each server false
onedb.dataStorageClass Set to the cloud vendor default storage class. Low latency disk I/O storage is recommended. For GKE “standard” is the default ""
onedb.dataStorageSize Set the persistent Volume Size 10gi
onedb.dataStorageCount Number of persistent volume’s to provision 2
onedb.restoreFromBackup Set to true when a restore from last backup is needed false
onedb.restoreTimestamp set to specific point in time to perform a point in time restore. Ex 2021-05-11 11:35:00 ‘’
onedb.nodeSelectorRequired Set to true to enforce that no two OneDB Server pods are scheduled on the same K8s node true
onedb.nodeSelector Set to a node label to schedule OneDB server pods on preconfigured set of K8s nodes. Set your own keyvalue pair for the node selector ‘’
onedb.tolerations Used to assist the K8s schedule {}
onedb.resources Resources like cpu and memory requested from the cluster. {}
onedb.customServerEnv Allows you to set additional environment variables to be used by the database server. ‘’
onedb.customConfig Allows you to set ONCONFIG parameters to be used by the Database server. MULTIPROCESSOR: 1
onedb.customSpace Allows you to create custom Dbspaces in the database server ‘’
onedb.appUsers Allows you to create custom Users in the database server ‘’
onedb.customInitSQL Allows you to create a script of SQL statements that is run after server initialization. ‘’
onedb.customInitImage Allows you to create an Init Container image ‘’
onedb.customInitImageCmd The command to run from the custom Init container ‘’
onedb.groupName Unique name for each cluster if Setting up Enterprise Replication g_cdr1
onedb.groupID Unique ID for each cluster if setting up Enterprise Replication 1

This attribute controls OneDB server statefulset update strategy. Supported values are “RollingUpdate” and “OnDelete”.


With OnDelete update strategy, the StatefulSet controller will not automatically update the Pods in a StatefulSet. Users must manually delete Pods to cause the controller to create new Pods that reflect modifications made to a StatefulSet.


The RollingUpdate update strategy implements automated, rolling update for the Pods in a StatefulSet. This is the default update strategy. The RollingUpdate process will start from the highest pod ordinal index to the lowest pod ordinal index. For example, onedb-server-1 is updated before onedb-server-0.

onedbcmReplicaCount Number of Connection Managers to start for the HA cluster 2
onedbcm.serviceType Set the service type of the connection manager. (ClusterIP, LoadBalancer or NodePort) ClusterIP
onedbcm.sla_policy Set the service level agreement of the connection manager. (ROUNDROBIN, WORKLOAD) ROUNDROBIN
onedbcm.autofailover If set to false then autofailover is disabled true
onedbcm.nodeSelectorRequired Set to true to enforce that no two OneDB CM pods are scheduled on the same K8s node. true
onedbcm.nodeSelector Set to a node label to schedule OneDB pods on preconfigured set of K8s nodes. Set your own keyvalue pair. ‘’
onedbcm.tolerations Used to assist the K8s schedule {}
onedbcm.resources Resources like cpu and memory, requested from the cluster {}

This attribute controls OneDB Connect (Connection Manager) statefulset update strategy. Supported values are “RollingUpdate” and “OnDelete”.


With OnDelete update strategy, the StatefulSet controller will not automatically update the Pods in a StatefulSet. Users must manually delete Pods to cause the controller to create new Pods that reflect modifications made to a StatefulSet.


The RollingUpdate update strategy implements automated, rolling update for the Pods in a StatefulSet. This is the default update strategy. The RollingUpdate process will start from the highest pod ordinal index to the lowest pod ordinal index. For example, onedbcm-1 is updated before onedbcm-0.
