Backup and Restore

For zero data loss configuration, and to protect server from data corruption, OneDB storage spaces must be backed up on a nightly basis, and logical log files must be backed up continuously as and when they get full.

For OneDB backup functionality to work across all available pods, it is recommended to configure ReadWriteMany storage and specify storage configuration details using “nfsserver” helm attributes. If ReadWriteMany storage is not configured, then pod specific ReadWriteOnce storage is used for backup storage.

Backup Schedule

The default behavior is for a level 0 archive to occur every night at 2:30am. The last three backups are retained, and any prior archives are cleaned up and removed.

A restore should only be needed if both the OneDB HA primary and OneDB HA secondary servers are corrupted. If just one or the other is corrupted, then a failover scenario can occur to bring the two servers back into sync.