Accessing OneDB

Connecting to the OneDB database server is essential. OneDB allows for connections from Mongo Clients, REST Clients and Native SQLI clients. Ex. JDBC, ODBC, ESQL/C

Connectivity can occur from inside the cluster or from outside the cluster. By default, connections from outside the cluster are not enabled.

Connectivity will be different based on the installation. The two basic installations are:

  1. Installation of the Standalone Helm Chart of OneDB
  2. Installation of a Solution Factory Helm Chart of OneDB

The OneDB Connection Manager is used for Native SQLI Connections to the Database server. There is a Kubernetes service provided to handle this connectivity.

REST, Mongo and OneDB Explore will each have a Kubernetes service to handle their own connections.

   NAME                        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)               AGE
helm-1-odbp-explore             ClusterIP       <none>       8080/TCP              20m
helm-1-odbp-mongo               ClusterIP       <none>       27017/TCP             20m
helm-1-odbp-rest                ClusterIP        <none>       8080/TCP              20m
onedbcm-cm-service              ClusterIP      <none>       10000/TCP,20000/TCP   19m

With the OneDB Connection Manager you will see a pattern emerge that will describe what type of connection will occur.

Port Number Description
10XXX Internal (Redirected) Connection
20XXX External (Proxied) Connection
XXXX0 Connection to the HA Primary Server
XXXX1 Connection to the HDR Secondary Server
XXXX2 Connection to any server in the HA Cluster
XXXX3 Connection to the RS Secondary Server
XXX2X Connection that uses SSL

Example: Port 10021 is an internal Connection (10XXX) to the HA Secondary server (XXXX1) using SSL (XXX2X).