Install and Configure nfs-server-provisioner


  1. Add the nfs-server-provisioner helm repo.
    helm repo add kvaps 
  2. Install the helm chart for the nfs-server-provisioner. Specify the following parameters:
    Parameter Description Value
    persistence.size Set this to a value of the NFS PV size 50Gi
    persistence.enabled Set to ‘true’ to enable NFS true
    persistence.storageClass Set this to ‘standard’ standard
    storageClass.create Set to ‘true’ true Set thos to a unique Name onedb-nfs-<namespace>
    storageClass.mountOptions {vers=4.1}
    • This is cluster wide so it is recommended to include the namespace in the name to provide uniqueness.
    • storageClass.mountOptions: Onedb has been tested with NFS V4.1
    helm install onedb-nfs-server-provisioner kvaps/nfs-server-provisioner   \ 
    --version 1.3.1 
    --set persistence.enabled=true 
    --set persistence.storageClass="standard” 
    --set persistence.size=50Gi   
    --set storageClass.create=true
     --set storageClass.mountOptions={vers=4.1} 
  3. The following OneDB helm chart configuration values need to be set to use the NFS server provisioner.
    Parameter Description Value
    nfsserver.volumeSize Set this to a value of the NFS PV size 50Gi
    nfsserver.other.enable Set to ‘true’ to enable NFS true
    nfsserver.other.storageClass Set this to the storage class of the NFS onedb-nfs-<namespace>
    • nfsserver.other.storageClass: This is set to the the storageClass name specified in the creation of the nfs server provisioner