Upgrading Current release

There may be times when you need to make changes to an existing running release of OneDB in kubernetes. This is performed using helm upgrade and providing the same installed chart with any new values. Parameter values you can change are:

  • Set ReplicaCount
  • Change container image
  • Initiate onbar restore
  • Change Connection Manager Service Type: Loadbalancer, ClusterIP, NodePort
  • Enable/Disable Automatic failover using Connection Manager
  • Change Connection Manager SLA policy: Workload, Round Robin
If the initial installation was performed with this:
helm install onedb-v1  -f myvalues.yaml production-onedb

The default installation of the helm chart will install an HA cluster with a primary and secondary OneDB server. If you wanted to manually scale the HA cluster to a 3rd server (RSS), you can use helm upgrade and specify a new serverReplicaCount value.

File: newvalues.yaml

            serverReplicaCount: 3
Issue the helm upgrade with the original and new values overrides.

helm upgrade onedb-v1  -f myvalues.yaml -f newvalues.yaml production-onedb