Taints and Toleration

While Node affinity is a property of a pod that attracts them to a set of nodes either as a preference or hard requirement. Taints are the opposite, in that the allow a node to repel a set of pods. A taint is defined on a pod.
kubectl taint nodes gke-worker2 type=onedb:NoSchedule 

This uses a key/value pair in this example we used type=onedb, with the NoSchedule effect. This means that no pod will be able to schedule onto the node (gke-worker2) unless it has a matching toleration.

You would then need to use the tolerations helm chart parameter override and set the following:
-  key: “type” 
   operator: “Exists” 
   effect: “NoSchedule”
Note: Using a combination of Affinity/Anti-Affinity and taints and tolerations, you can control what nodes OneDB SQL Data store will be schedule on and dictate that those nodes are only used for OneDB.