Install OneDB RESTful Data Store (onedb-rest)

The OneDB RESTful Data Store helm chart will install the HCL OneDB database along with the OneDB REST listener.

HCL OneDB is an enterprise grade database for storing and processing the following types of data:
  • Relational (Table based)

  • Document (Json Based)

  • Timeseries (Time based)

  • Spatial (Coordinate based)

Access to OneDB RESTful Data store is through the REST API. This allows you to use language of choice that supports RESTful services.

After all system requirements and prerequisites have been addressed you are ready to install the Sofy helm chart. The command below is a sample install that uses a file named myvales.yaml to provide any overrides to the helm chart values and anchor.yaml to set the anchor service’s resources.
helm install rest-v1  -f myvalues.yaml -f anchor.yaml production-onedb-rest