Automatic Failover

Automatic Failover

When the HDR primary server is non-responsive the connection manager will switch the HDR secondary to become the HDR primary. When the old primary server is restarted it will restart as the HDR secondary server.
Automatic failure occurs and onedb-server-1 will be made the HDR Primary, and onedb-server-0 restarts as an HDR secondary.

Manual Failover

When the HDR primary server is non-responsive the kubernetes health scripts will fail and the HDR primary server pod will restart. The pod will be restarted as an HDR primary. If the server comes back to a healthy state, then no failover is required.
If the restart of the HDR primary does not come back to a healthy state then manual intervention is needed. You must login to the HDR Secondary, onedb-server-1 pod, and switch it to the HDR primary. The onedb-server-0 pod will not become healthy and will restart as the HDR secondary.
onmode –d make primary onedb1

If TLS encryption is being used the name of the server is onedb1_ssl. So, the command would be:

onmode –d make primary onedb1_ssl