                            MACHINE SPECIFIC NOTES
                 HCL OneDB Client SDK PRODUCT RELEASE
                             GLS API Version 1.0
                             On Linux Intel 64bit
                               DATE: 01 May 2023 

OS Information : Built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 7.4 (Maipo)
                 Certified on SUSE SLES 12.3 and 15,
                 Ubuntu Server Edition 16.04 LTS and 17.10.
Machine Specific Notes

1. This product was built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 7.4
   (Kernel:  3.10.0-693, Glibc: 2.17) for x86_64 compatible processors.
   The following compilers were used:

        gcc and g++ compiler 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)

   Installing the product on Ubuntu or Debian requires RPM to be installed
   and initialized. After RPM installed, use the following commands to 
   initialize RPM:

        mkdir -p /var/lib/rpm 
        rpm --initdb

   The bc utility is required by the product installer, and needs to be 
   installed on Ubuntu.

Check the following web site for the latest Linux system requirements:

(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2017
(c) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2017, 2023.  All Rights Reserved.