Example of setting sbspace characteristics

The following call to the onspaces utility creates an sbspace called sb1 in the /dev/sbspace1 partition:
onspaces -c -S sb1 -p /dev/sbspace1 -o 500 -s 2000
   -Df "AVG_LO_SIZE=32"

The following table shows the resulting system-specified storage characteristics for all smart large objects in the sb1 sbspace.

Table 1. System-specified storage characteristics for the sb1 sbspace
Disk-storage information System-specified value Specified by onspaces utility
Size of extent Calculated by database server System default
Size of next extent Calculated by database server System default
Minimum extent size Calculated by database server System default
Size of smart large object 32 kilobytes (database server uses as size estimate) AVG_LO_SIZE
Maximum size of I/O block Calculated by database server System default
Name of sbspace sb1 -S option
Logging OFF System default
Last-access time OFF System default