HCL OneDB classes that implement Java interfaces

The following table lists the Java™ interfaces and classes and the HCL OneDB™ classes that implement them.
JDBC interface or class HCL OneDB class
java.sql.Connection com.informix.jdbc.IfmxConnection
javax.sql.DataSource com.onedb.jdbcx.OneDBDataSource
javax.sql.XADataSource com.informix.jdbcx.IfxXADataSource
java.sql.ParameterMetaData com.informix.jdbc.IfxParameterMetaData

HCL OneDB JDBC Driver, implements the updateXXX() methods defined in the ResultSet interface by the JDBC 3.0 specification. These methods, such as updateClob, which are further defined in the JDBC specification, require that the ResultSet object can be updated. The updateXXX() methods allow rows to be updated by using Java variables and objects and extend to include additional JDBC types.

These methods update JDBC types implemented with locators, not the data designated by the locators.