Turn on logging

You must use logged sbspaces when you create an etx index; otherwise, the CREATE INDEX statement fails.

The onspaces utility creates sbspaces with logging turned off by default. The onspaces utility turns off logging by default to conserve resources. However, etx index users benefit from logging. If there is a power outage while an etx index is being updated, for example, the index might become corrupted. If the sbspace that holds the index has logging turned off, the changes up to the point of corruption cannot be backed out. In this case, to ensure index integrity, the index must be dropped and recreated. If logging is turned on, the etx index can be recovered normally.

You turn on logging by specifying -Df "LOGGING=ON" when you create an sbspace with the onspaces utility:
% onspaces -c -S sbsp1 -g 2 -p /dev/sbspace -o 0 -s 100000 -Df "LOGGING=ON"