Specify etx index parameters

An index parameter is a variable that you use to specify the characteristics of an index based on the searches you plan to perform. You set an index parameter in the USING clause of a CREATE INDEX statement when you create an etx index.

For example, suppose you want to create an index identical to the index created in the previous example, but with one difference: you want to index international characters and the standard ASCII characters. To do this, you must create the index specifying the ISO character set by using the index parameter CHAR_SET.

The following example shows how to create this type of index:
CREATE INDEX desc_idx1 ON videos (description etx_clob_ops)
    USING etx (CHAR_SET = 'ISO') IN sbsp1;

By creating indexes based on likely search characteristics, you can reduce the size of your indexes and improve the relevance of search results.

You cannot alter the characteristics of an etx index after you create it. Instead, you must drop the index and then create it again with the new or altered characteristic.