SQL data types specific to HCL OneDB

The SQL data types specific to HCL OneDB™ are available to a column in the HCL OneDB database.

The HCL OneDB Guide to SQL: Reference describes these data types. If you do not include the -xopen option when you compile your program, the DESCRIBE statement uses these data types to specify the data type of a column or the return value of a user-defined function. Constants for these HCL OneDB SQL data types are defined in the sqltypes.h header file.

The following figure shows some of the SQL data type entries in sqltypes.h.
Figure 1: Some HCL OneDB SQL data type constants
#define SQLCHAR          0
#define SQLSMINT         1
#define SQLINT           2
#define SQLFLOAT         3
#define SQLSMFLOAT       4
#define SQLDECIMAL       5
#define SQLSERIAL        6
#define SQLDATE          7
#define SQLMONEY         8

For a complete list of constants for SQL data types, see Constants for HCL OneDB SQL column data types. The integer values in Some HCL OneDB SQL data type constants are language-independent constants; they are the same in all HCL OneDB embedded products.