Files and directories to be installed or deleted

The following table lists properties you define when you add files and directories to install or delete.
Table 1. Properties you define when adding files and directories
Property Description
Local name The local name of the file or directory to be installed or deleted. Choose Browse to select a file from the Open dialog box.

You can have multiple operating-system-specific files to install. See Local paths for files for multiple operating systems for more information.

Target directory For files and directories to install only.

The directory in which the file or directory is installed.

See Specify a target directory for more information.

Target operating system The operating system on which to install the file or directory.
Component The component, subcomponent, or shared component to which the file or directory is assigned.

See Assigning items to components for more information about assigning to components.

File copy options For files and directories to install only.

Options for copying files, including whether the DLL is installed only if it has the same or later date or version than the existing DLL. The default is None.

File sharing options For files and directories to install only.

Whether and how a file can be shared. The default is None.

See File sharing options for more information.

Icon options For files to install only.

Whether the file has an associated icon and information about that icon. The icon appears in the program group. Icons are typically used for applications, read me files, or help files; DataBlade® modules do not require icons. The default is no icon.