Approximate phrase searches

An approximate phrase search returns all phrases in the search text that contain words that are approximately the same as the words you specify in the clue.

To execute an approximate phrase search, set the SEARCH_TYPE tuning parameter to PHRASE_APPROX, as shown in the following example:
SELECT * FROM videos
    WHERE etx_contains(description,
    Row ('document editor','SEARCH_TYPE = PHRASE_APPROX'));
Use an approximate phrase search when you want to search for a phrase, but you do not know or remember all the words in a phrase. Use an exact phrase search with pattern matching if you know all of the words in a phrase, but are not sure how one or more of the words in the phrase is spelled.
Restriction: Do not set SEARCH_TYPE to PHRASE_APPROX and pass the PATTERN_BASIC or PATTERN_ALL tuning parameters for the same search. The resulting query might perform poorly.