Logical restore

After a physical restore, logical recovery can further restore tables to a user-specified point in time. To do this, the archecker utility reads backed-up logical logs, converts them to SQL statements, and then replays these statements to restore data.

Before performing a logical recovery, ensure that all transactions you want to restore are contained in backed-up logical logs. The archecker utility cannot replay transactions from the current log. You cannot perform a logical restore on an external table.

If a table is altered, dropped, or truncated during a logical restore, the restore terminates for that table. Termination occurs at the point that the alter was performed. A message in the archecker message log file records that an alter operation occurred.

The archecker utility cannot process compression dictionaries during a logical restore of compressed tables in non-logged databases. A logical restore stops for a table if it finds that a new compression dictionary was created for that table.

When performing a logical restore, archecker uses two processes that run simultaneously:
Assembles the logical logs and saves them in tables.
Converts the log records to SQL statements and executes the statements.