FlexNet Operations portal

Important: FlexNet licensing system is deprecated in and will not be supported in future versions.

When the OneDB server instances are online it is possible to see their license holdings in the FlexNet Operations customer portal. You can drill down to get the details, starting with the Server Device. This is the device name that is in the LICENSE_SERVER URL. So for a LICENSE_SERVER value of https://hclsoftware.compliance.flexnetoperations.com/instances/GRU7RBCK8X13/ request, you would search in the portal for the Server Device ID GRU7RBCK8X13.

Click on the returned Device Name, Prod1, and you will see the details of the server device.

From the View menu, select View Served Devices and you will see all the OneDB instances that have licenses assigned to them.

The device name that identifies the OneDB instance is made up of the host name, a unique identifier string and the SERVERNUM of the instance. Selecting the Device shows the individual license allocation.

This count should tally with the number of licenses held that is reported in the server instances online.log. It should also be the same as the number of running CPU VPs.