Release notes for HCL OneDB for AIX and Linux

The Release notes provide a list of useful topics and links for when you install an HCL OneDB database product or fix pack.


What is HCL OneDB ?

HCL OneDB™ is a high-performance, multi-modal, enterprise-class database server designed to run in the Linux, AIX and Windows operating systems.

HCL OneDB is a derivative of the Informix database server, and so it shares a high degree of functionality with the Informix products. OneDB is compatible with all current Informix versions at the SQL and application levels, and so the Informix documentation that describes database administration, high availability, archives, connectivity, application development, and many other features will be referenced. The description within the referenced Informix documentation will be fully accurate and compatible with HCL OneDB.

You can find out about HCL OneDB capabilities, installation, administration and operational details in the online documentation at this link: We recommend that new users should start with the Getting Started section of the portal.

System Requirements

Although HCL OneDB is an enterprise-class database server that can service thousands of users simultaneously, it is also extremely efficient in the usage of resources. The minimal requirements listed below assume you will have only a few users and a moderate workload.

Minimum disk space and memory requirements:
  • 750 MB of disk space and 256 MB of memory

Many applications require substantially larger systems. Your HCL sales team can help optimize the hardware required for your application.

Refer to the machine notes for more detailed information on system requirements.

Known problems

At time of publication, the following problems were known:

  • Removing users when you uninstall the database server

    If there are multiple installations of the product on the computer, and you are uninstalling one of the products, be careful when you use the Remove users and groups option. Do not remove users or groups that are required by the other installations of the product. If you remove users or groups that are required by the other products, the other products will not start or they will be inoperable.

Related Information

Latest open source drivers for the HCL OneDB database server are available at :

More information about other products and services from HCL Technologies can be found at