Declare a host variable for a simple large object

Use the loc_t data type to declare host variables for database values of type TEXT or BYTE. You declare a host variable for a simple-large-object column with the data type loc_t, as shown in the following example:
EXEC SQL include locator;

   loc_t text_lob;
   loc_t byte_lob;
A locator variable with a TEXT data type has the loc_type field of the locator structure set to SQLTEXT. For a BYTE variable, loc_type is SQLBYTE.
Tip: The sqltypes.h header file defines both SQLTEXT and SQLBYTE. Therefore, make sure that you include sqltypes.h before you use these constants.
From the program, you can both select and insert simple-large-object data into loc_t host variables. You can also select only portions of a simple-large-object variable with subscripts on the simple-large-object column name. These subscripts can be coded into the statement as shown in the following example:
EXEC SQL declare catcurs cursor for
   select catalog_num, cat_descr[1,10]
   from catalog 
   where manu_code = 'HSK';
EXEC SQL open catcurs;
while (1)
   EXEC SQL fetch catcurs into :cat_num, :cat_descr;

Subscripts can also be passed as input parameters as the following code fragment shows:
EXEC SQL prepare slct_id from
   'select catalog_num, cat_descr[?,?] from catalog \
   where catalog_num = ?'
EXEC SQL execute slct_id into :cat_num, :cat_descr
   using :n, :x, :cat_num;