Restore data with ON-Bar

You can use the ON-Bar utility to restore data that was backed up by the ON-Bar utility.

Before you restore data, use the pre-restore checklist to determine if whether a restore is needed and to prepare for a restore.

To perform a restore with the ON-Bar utility:

  1. Make the storage devices that were available during the backup available for the restore.
  2. If necessary, add enough temporary space to perform the restore. The logical log restore portion of a warm restore requires temporary space. The minimum amount of temporary space is equal to the smaller of the total amount of allocated logical-log space and the number of log files to be replayed.
  3. Run the onbar -r command with the appropriate options to restore the data.
  4. Monitor the ON-Bar activity log.
  5. After the restore is complete, run the onstat -d command to verify that all storage spaces are restored. The letter O in the flags column indicates that the chunk is online.