SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter

Use the SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter to enable non-blocking checkpoint at HDR and RS secondary server.

onconfig.std value


  • 1 - Enable non-blocking checkpoint at HDR and RS secondary server
  • 0 – (Default) Disable non-blocking checkpoints

Not applicable

takes effect

After you edit your onconfig file and restart the database server.

When you reset the value dynamically in your onconfig file by running the onmode -wf command.

When you reset the value in memory by running the onmode -wm command.


SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter controls the checkpoint behavior at HDR and RS secondary server.

When SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter is enabled, HDR secondary applies blocking or non-blocking checkpoint exactly like the Primary server.

When SEC_NONBLOCKING_CKPT configuration parameter is enabled, ensure that the size of the physical log is equal to at least 110% of the buffer pool size.