Auditing with (UNIX, Linux)

You can audit user actions for your HCL OneDB™ database server with version 10.0 or later. prevents leaks from databases, ensures the integrity of information, and automates compliance controls across heterogeneous environments.

After you set up the server, you start the ifxguard utility to monitor connections to your HCL OneDB databases. You can set the logging mode and the number of worker threads to prevent heavy locking by editing the ifxguard configuration file. You can enable auditing and set the actions of the database server if the server does not respond in the timeout period by setting the IFXGUARD configuration parameter in the onconfig file.

Every time a user session attempts an action that is auditable, an ifxguard agent contacts the server. The server can mask sensitive data or close a connection that fails the security audit.

To configure and start auditing:

  1. Install and configure . See .
  2. Edit the ifxguard configuration file.
  3. Set the IFXGUARD configuration parameter in your onconfig file for your HCL OneDB database server.
  4. Follow the instructions in the section Informix EXIT with UNIX S-TAP to configure and start the ifxguard utility. See Installing an S-TAP on a UNIX server.