Performance information that HCL OneDB Server Administrator provides

HCL® OneDB® Server Administrator (ISA) is a browser-based tool that provides Web-based system administration for the entire range of HCL OneDB database servers.

ISA is the first in a new generation of browser-based, cross-platform administrative tools. It provides access to every HCL OneDB database server command-line function and presents the output in an easy-to-read format.

The database server CD-ROM distributed with your product includes ISA. For information on how to install ISA, see the following file on the CD-ROM.

Table 1. Operating system file
Operating System File
Windows™ \SVR_ADM\readme.txt
With ISA, you can use a browser to perform these common database server administrative tasks:
  • Change configuration parameters temporarily or permanently
  • Change the database server mode between online and offline and its intermediate states
  • Modify connectivity information in the sqlhosts file
  • Check dbspaces, sbspaces, logs, and other objects
  • Manage logical and physical logs
  • Examine memory use and adding and freeing memory segments
  • Read the message log
  • Back up and restore dbspaces and sbspaces
  • Run various onstat commands to monitor performance
  • Enter simple SQL statements and examine database schemas
  • Add and remove chunks, dbspaces, and sbspaces
  • Examine and manage user sessions
  • Examine and manage virtual processors (VPs)
  • Use the High-Performance Loader (HPL), dbimport, and dbexport
  • Manage
  • Manage an HCL OneDB MaxConnect server
  • Use the following utilities: dbaccess, dbschema, onbar, oncheck, ondblog, oninit, onlog, onmode, onparams, onspaces, and onstat

You also can enter any HCL OneDB utility, UNIX shell command, or Windows command (for example, oncheck -cd; ls -l).