HCL OneDB classes that extend the JDBC specification

To support the HCL OneDB™ implementation of SQL statements and data types, HCL OneDB JDBC Driver provides classes that extend the supported JDBC specification (see ). The following table lists the Java™ classes and the HCL OneDB classes that application programs can use to extend them.

JDBC interface or class HCL OneDB class Adds methods or constants for...
java.lang.Object com.informix.lang.IfxTypes Representing data types
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.IfxStatementTypes Representing SQL statements
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.Interval1 Interval qualifiers and some common methods for the next two classes (base class for the next two)
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.IntervalYM1 Interval year-to-month
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.IntervalDF1 Interval day-to-fraction
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.IfxSmartBlob Access methods for smart large objects
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.IfxLocator Large object locator pointer
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.IfxLoStat Statistical information about smart large objects
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.IfxLobDescriptor Internal characteristics of smart large objects
java.lang.Object com.informix.jdbc.IfxUDTInfo General information about opaque and distinct types, detailed information about complex types
java.sql.Blob com.informix.jdbc.IfxBblob Binary large objects
java.sql.CallableStatement com.informix.jdbc.IfmxCallableStatement Parameter processing with HCL OneDB types
java.sql.Clob com.informix.jdbc.IfxCblob Character large objects
java.sql.Connection com.informix.jdbc.IfmxConnection Opaque, distinct, and complex types
java.sql.SQLData com.informix.jdbc.IfxBSONObject 1 HCL OneDB BSON data type

See the IfxBSONObjectDemo.java program in the $INFORMIXDIR/demo/bson directory for examples of how to insert and query JSON and BSON data and use the IfxBSONObject methods.

java.sql.PreparedStatement com.informix.jdbc.IfmxPreparedStatement Parameter processing with HCL OneDB types
java.sql.ResultSet com.informix.jdbc.IfmxResultSet HCL OneDB interval data types
java.sql.ResultSetMetaData com.informix.jdbc.IfmxResultSetMetaData Columns with HCL OneDB data types
java.sql.SQLInput com.informix.jdbc.IfmxComplexSQLInput Opaque, distinct, and complex types
java.sql.SQLInput com.informix.jdbc.IfmxUDTSQLInput Opaque, distinct, and complex types
java.sql.SQLOutput com.informix.jdbc.IfmxComplexSQLOutput Opaque, distinct, and complex types
java.sql.SQLOutput com.informix.jdbc.IfmxUDTSQLOutput Opaque, distinct, and complex types
java.sql.Statement com.informix.jdbc.IfmxStatement Single result sets, autofree mode, statement types, and SERIAL data type processing
  1. The server-side JDBC driver (jdbc.jar) does not support this HCL OneDB class.