Locations for simple-large-object data

Before your program accesses a simple-large-object column, it must determine where the simple-large-object data is located.

To specify whether the simple large object is located in memory or in a file, specify the contents of the loc_loctype field of the locator structure. The following table shows the possible locations for simple-large-object data.
Table 1. Possible locations for simple-large-object data
Value of loc_loctype field Location of simple-large-object data See
LOCMEMORY In memory ids_esqlc_0203.html#ids_esqlc_0203
LOCFILE In an open file ids_esqlc_0212.html#ids_esqlc_0212
LOCFNAME In a named file ids_esqlc_0215.html#ids_esqlc_0215
LOCUSER At a user-defined location ids_esqlc_0218.html#ids_esqlc_0218

Set loc_loctype after you declare the locator variable and before this declared variable receives a simple-large-object value.

The locator.h header file defines the LOCMEMORY, LOCFILE, LOCFNAME, and LOCUSER location constants. In your program, use these constant names rather than their constant values when you assign values to loc_loctype.

In a client-server environment, locates the simple large object on the client computer (the computer on which the application runs).