The esql command

To determine which type of HCL OneDB™ general libraries to link with your HCL OneDB ESQL/C application, the esql command supports the command-line options in the following table.
Table 1. The esql command-line options for HCL OneDB general libraries
Version of HCL OneDB libraries to link The esql command- line option See
Shared libraries No option (default) Link shared HCL OneDB general libraries
Static libraries -static Link static HCL OneDB general libraries.
Thread-safe shared libraries -thread Linking thread-safe HCL OneDB general libraries to an ESQL/C module on a UNIX operating system and Linking thread-safe HCL OneDB general libraries to an ESQL/C module in a Windows environment
Thread-safe static libraries -thread -static Create a dynamic thread library on UNIX operating systems