Removing client products

You can uninstall HCL® OneDB® client products with an uninstallation application in GUI, console, or silent mode on UNIX™, Linux™, Mac OS X. Which mode you select depends on your objectives and system environment.

Before you begin

You must be logged in as a root (UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X) or an administrative user (Windows) to perform this task for root-based installations.

For non-root installations, either the installation owner or root user can remove the product. If you want to remove the product as a root user, verify that the installation is not in use or in production before uninstalling.

About this task

  • Do not remove any HCL OneDB products by manually deleting files.
  • If Client SDK is installed in the same directory as the HCL OneDB database server:
    • You must uninstall HCL OneDB before you uninstall Client SDK.
    • Do not remove OneDB GLS because both products have dependencies on this feature.


To uninstall client products:
  1. From the INFORMIXDIR directory, run one of the following commands from the command line:
    • UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X:

      Client SDK: uninstall/uninstall_csdk/uninstallcsdk

      OneDB Connect: uninstall/uninstall_connect/uninstallconnect

      Include the -i swing or the -i gui option to uninstall in GUI mode.

    • Windows:

      Client SDK: uninstall\uninstall_csdk\uninstallcsdk.exe

      OneDB Connect: uninstall\uninstall_connect\uninstallconnect.exe

      Alternatively, you can choose the uninstallation option from the client products program group. You cannot use the Add/Remove Programs utility in the Control Panel to remove HCL OneDB client products.

  2. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation.


Log files are created during the uninstallation process. You can use the log files to troubleshoot uninstallation errors.