Features that ISM supports

HCL® OneDB® Storage Manager (ISM) supports the following storage-manager features:
  • Back up logical logs and storage spaces to different devices and to specify whether to use encryption or compression for data.
  • Write the output of parallel backups to a single device, medium, or volume. Some backup devices can write data faster than the disks used to hold storage spaces can be read.
  • Automatic switch from one tape device to another when the volume in the first device fills.
  • Migration of data from one backup medium to another. For speed, you can back up logical logs or storage spaces to disk, but you must move them later to tape or other removable media or your disk becomes full.
  • Clone copies of backup data for on-site and off-site storage.
  • Automatic expiration of data. Once all data on a backup media expires, you can reuse the media.