Start mirroring for unmirrored dbspaces using onspaces

About this task

You can use the onspaces utility to start mirroring a dbspace, blobspace, or sbspace. For example, the following onspaces command starts mirroring for the dbspace db_project, which contains two chunks, data1 and data2:
onspaces -m db_project\
-p /dev/data1 -o 0 -m /dev/mirror_data1 0\
-p /dev/data2 -o 5000 -m /dev/mirror_data2 5000
The following example shows how to turn on mirroring for a dbspace called sp1. You can either specify the primary path, primary offset, mirror path, and mirror offset in the command or in a file.
onspaces -m sp1 -f mirfile
The mirfile file contains the following line:
/ix/9.3/sp1 0 /ix/9.2/sp1mir 0

In this line, /ix/9.3/sp1 is the primary path, 0 is the primary offset, /ix/9.3/sp1mir is the mirror path, and 0 is the mirror offset.