More information about sbspaces

There are various tasks related to using and managing sbspaces.

The following table lists sources of information tasks related to using and managing sbspaces.
Table 1. Finding information for sbspace tasks
Task Reference
Setting memory configuration parameters for smart large objects Manage shared memory
Understanding sbpages Sbpages
Specifying I/O characteristics for an sbspace onspaces option in Storage characteristics of sbspaces
Allocating space for an sbspace Creating an sbspace
Adding a chunk to an sbspace Adding a chunk to an sbspace
Defining or altering storage characteristics for a smart large object Alter storage characteristics of smart large objects

PUT clause of CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement in HCL OneDB Guide to SQL: Syntax

Monitoring sbspaces Monitor sbspaces

Topics about table performance considerations in HCL OneDB Performance Guide

Setting up logging for an sbspace Log sbspaces and smart large objects
Backing up an sbspace Back up sbspaces
Checking consistency of an sbspace Validate metadata
Understanding an sbspace structure Topics about disk structures in the HCL OneDB Administrator's Reference
Using onspaces for sbspaces Topics about utilities in the HCL OneDB Administrator's Reference
Creating a table with CLOB or BLOB data types HCL OneDB Guide to SQL: Syntax
Accessing smart large objects in an application HCL OneDB DataBlade® API Programmer's GuideHCL OneDB® ESQL/C Programmer's Manual
Calculating the metadata area size

Improving metadata I/O

Changing storage characteristics

Topics about table performance in HCL OneDB Performance Guide
Understanding smart-large-object locking Topics about locking in HCL OneDB Performance Guide
Configuring sbspaces for temporary smart large objects Topics about configuration effects on I/O activity in HCL OneDB Performance Guide