What's New in IBM® Notes® 9.0.1 Social Edition?

The following table lists features new to the IBM® Notes® 9.0.1 code stream, and tells you how to get started using those features.

This Help topic introduces you to IBM® Notes® 9.0.1.

Table 1. Mail features


How do I use it?

Search Directory For results are now displayed in alphabetical order

The results for the address typeahead drop-down option Search Directory For now sorts alphabetically.

Note: The following features require the latest Notes® 9.0.1 mail template.
Table 2. Calendar features


How do I use it?

Add, remove, or modify online meeting information in an existing calendar entry

The ability to modify an online meeting field in a calendar entry, after it has been saved and sent, is now available; you no longer have to cancel a meeting and start over to make changes.

Table 3. Embedded product features


How do I use it?

XULRunner upgraded to version 10.0.6

The XULRunner runtime environment in IBM Notes 9.0.1 has been upgraded to version 10.0.6.