How can I set up blog site services, templates and statistics?

The blog template (dominoblog.ntf) includes wizards to help you set up and manage your blog.

About this task


  1. Open your blog application (myblog.nsf for example).
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. In the new blog tab that opens, expand the Configuration section.
  4. On the toolbar, click Wizards, and then select one of the following wizards.
    Table 1. Blog configuration wizards



    Set Services

    Enables or disables blog services

    Site HTML Templates

    Assigns a template to a specific page in the blog, such as the Search Page or Home Page

    Information provided using this wizard populates fields on the Templates tabs of the site's Configuration document.

    Site Statistics

    Logs Web and RSS hits, and specifies the location of the hit tracking application

    Information provided using this wizard populates fields on the Logging tab of the site's Configuration document.
