How can I create a blog post?

It is easy to create a post for your blog. If your post includes a podcast, you include the file name or a link to a URL as an attachment.

About this task


  1. Open your blog application (myblog.nsf for example).
  2. Click New Post.
  3. Select Hot Topic if applicable.
  4. Specify a subject. This is the title for your post, and is how you will identify this post in other views.
  5. Optional: Click the Tags link, and then select or add one or more tags for the post.
  6. Optional: Click Show Attachments, and then follow the instructions provided to do any of the following:
    • Paste an image directly into your post
    • Upload, and then link to a file
    • Upload, and then link to a podcast
      Tip: Click Hide Attachments to collapse the information displayed.
  7. Optional: Click Show Advanced, and then complete any of these fields:
    Table 1. Advanced options for your post



    Don't publish until

    Completed for you; select a date and time if desired.


    Displays the name of the current user by default, change this name if desired.

    Allow Comments

    Select one of the following from the list:

    • Yes - Comments are allowed. (default)
    • No - No comments are allowed.
    • Frozen - Prevents further comments from being added but continues to display the existing comments.
    • Until - Allows comments until the date you specify.

    Page Name

    System-generated by default. Specify a unique page name if desired using the format name.htm. Use only alpha and numeric characters with no spaces.

    Note: To assign a name based on the post subject by default, edit the blog's Configuration Document, and select Autopopulate on the Site Settings > Content Creation tab.
  8. Optional: Click Show HTML, and then complete any of these fields:
    Table 2. HTML options for your post




    If you want to include additional HTML text in the heading on the Web page, specify that HTML text.

    JavaScript File

    Select a JavaScript file to use with the document.

    Document Template

    To override the default HTML template, select the HTML template that you prefer to use.

    Additional HTML/Text

    Paste addition HTML text in the field provided.

  9. Optional: Click Insert, and then choose any of the options for inserting files, links, or HTML tags.
  10. Optional: Click Display and then select any of the following options:
    Table 3. Display options for your post




    (where you were when you created the entry)

    Include the default location provided in the Site Setup document.

    Click Change Location to select or provide a new location.

    Expiry Date

    In the Expire this entry after field, select an expiration time and date.

    Feed Reader Description

    In the field provided, enter text you want to override the automatic feed reader description.

    To lock the description, select Lock Description.

  11. Optional: Click More > Categories & Exclusions. Select one or more of the following, and then click OK.
    • Select a primary category and one or more subcategories from the lists.
    • For each exclusion, select Yes.
  12. Click Save and Post or Save as Draft.
