
This section lists the settings available for the Split Node.

Maximum Instances

Specifies the maximum number of parallel instances.

Read From File

Specifies the options to read the input from a file or from the input terminal.

File Path

Specifies the path of input file.


Specifies the data source. Supported options are ‘map’ and ‘data’.

If ‘map’ is a source, the supported settings are:
  • Map Name: Defines a map that will run inside the split node in the burst mode.
  • Input Card Name: Defines which input card to use in the selected map to split data. (click on ‘Fetch’ to get the list of input cards). Default is the 1st input card.
  • Ouput Card Name: Defines which output card in the selected map will produce data for the split node output terminal. (click on ‘Fetch’ to get the list of output cards). Default is the last output card.

If ‘data’ is a source, the supported settings depend on the data format. Supported data formats are delimited (CSV) and JSON.

Batch Size

Specifies the number of records to include in each batch.

If the data format is ‘delimited’ (CSV), the supported settings are:

Record Delimiter

Specifies the character that delimits records. \\r for carriage return, \\n for newline and \\t for tab.

Has Header

Specifies that the header record is available in data.

Include Header

Decides whether the header record should be included in each batch sent to the output.

Output Header Split

Controls the Split node header processing, if the Has Header property is set. If the Output Header Split is enabled, the Split node processes the header in the first batch. It sets Flow Internal variable ~SPLIT~ to value HEADER when processing the header. The Split node waits for the header to process before it executes rows processing in parallel. ~SPLIT~ variable is set to the batch index when rows are processed in parallel.

If the data format is ‘JSON’, the supported settings are:
  • Array Path: The path of the array in the json document.
  • Output JSON Object: If this option is turned on, when the batch size is set to 1 output a JSON object, otherwise output an JSON array.
  • Output Context Before: Controls whether the output data includes the JSON context before the selected array.