JSON Paths

The syntax for specifying paths for fields in JSON responses follows the JSON Path specification.

Properties that use the JSON paths are:
  • Number of Records Path
  • Number of Pages Path
  • Is Last Path
  • Has More Path
  • Next Page Link Path
  • Next Page Token Path

You can specify the path for the properties as follows:


For example, given this JSON response:
   "token1": "111",
   "object1": {
      "token2": "222"
   "array1": [
          "token3": "222"
The paths for the tokens are:
  • Token1: /token1
  • Token2:/object1/token2
  • Token3:/array1/0/token3
Note: For arrays, the integral value for the index is specified, where the first element in the array has an index of 0. To access the last element of an array specify the index with the special value -1.