Example of the PUT map function

The following is an example of a PUT map rule used to write rows to the target table table1 in Insert First write mode. The last argument, input_data represents the data to be passed to the adapter, either hardcoded data, or more commonly a reference to another card's type in the card. The data must use pipe character for separating field values in a row, exclamation character as a release character, and linefeed character as terminator for each row. The log file is written to actian.log file in the same directory in which the map runs, in append mode and with only log messages of error severity logged:
PUT("ACTIAN", "-DIA vector -H testhost -P VW7 -DB testdb -USR actian -PWD 
actian -WM insert_first -SCH actian -TBL table1 -BS 1 -TE+ actian.log", input_data)