Debugging a map remotely

These instructions assume that you have built a map using the Map Designer, version 8.1 or later, and have deployed the executable map file to the remote host.

Before you begin

Before you begin, access the remote host, for example, using Telnet, and set up your environment.


  1. Start the debugging server by running the applicable file, located in the product installation directory:
    • StartDebugServer.bat (Windows)
    • (Linux)

    By default, the debugging server uses port 2590. Specify -PORT port_number to use a different port. To resolve resource aliases while running a map under the debugger, use the -MRC .mrc_file option to specify the resource configuration file. For example, run StartDebugServer -PORT 1234 -MRC MYALIASES.MRC

    To stop the debugging server, press Ctrl+C.

  2. On the local computer, open the map source file for the remote executable map to be debugged.
  3. In the Outline view, Composition view, Navigator view, or Extender Navigator view, select the specific map to debug.
  4. Click the Debug icon on the toolbar to enable debug mode.
    This also enables the Remote option.
  5. Add one or more breakpoints to the output.
    From an output card, right-click an output object and click Add BreakPoint.
  6. Click Map > Remote.
    The Remote Debugging window is displayed.
  7. Under Remote Host, enter the remote computer information pertaining to the map to be debugged. In the Host field, enter the alias name or IP address of the remote computer. In the Port field, the default port number (2590) to be used by the debugging server is displayed.
  8. Under Platform, select the platform of the remote host.
  9. Under Security, enter a user name and password that provides access to the remote host where the executable map resides.
  10. In the Map field, select the browse button and navigate to the executable map to debug.
  11. Click OK to begin the remote debugging process.
    Similar to the regular map debugging process, a Debug window is displayed from where you can select various options, such as Step In, Step Thru, Step Out, Step Over, or Continue, after a break point is reached.