Configuring SSL certificates for Link using command line tool

To configure the SSL certificates for Link using command line tool to import certificate in PEM format, complete the following steps:


  1. Prepare the SSL certificate files.
  2. Import SSL PEM certificates into Link environment using importcertificate tool.
    Note: If the SSL certificates are in PEM format, then certificates can be imported into Link environment using importcertificate tool.
    Note: PEM is the preferred format for the certificates. If the certificates are not of the PEM format, convert the certificates to PEM format.
  3. Split the prepared SSL certificates into three PEM files. Each file must contain one of the following SSL certificate components:
    • Public Server certificate PEM file
    • Private certificate key PEM file
    • Certificate authority PEM file
  4. Depending on the platform, after installing Link, open a command line with administrative privileges, then change directory to:
    Microsoft Windows cd to the DesignServer installation folder, for example: cd C:\HCL\Link_1.1.6\DesignServer.
    Linux-based OS cd to Link installation folder, for example:cd /home/myuser/Link_1.1.6.
    Note: Login to the system as the same user, that have Link installed.
  5. Copy the SSL PEM files on the computer where Link is installed, for example:
    Microsoft Windows
    Private key: c:\ssl-certificates\self-signed-test\server-key.pem
    Public certificate: c:\ssl-certificates\self-signed-test\server-crt.pem
    Certificate authority: c:\ssl-certificates\self-signed-test\self_ca_root.pem
    Linux-based OS
    Private key: /home/myuser/ssl-certificates/self-signed-test/server-key.pem
    Public certificate: /home/myuser/ssl-certificates/self-signed-test/server-crt.pem
    Certificate authority: /home/myuser/ssl-certificates/self-signed-test/self_ca_root.pem
  6. For Microsoft Windows and Linux-based operating systems, run the command from the following folder location:
    • Command for Microsoft Windows from C:\HCL\Link_1.1.6\DesignServer folder:
      .\importcertificates.bat c:\ssl-certificates\self-signed-test\server-key.pem c:\ssl-certificates\self-signed-test\server-crt.pem c:\ssl-certificates\self-signed-test\self_ca_root.pem
    • Command for Linux-based operating systems from /home/myuser/Link_1.1.6 folder:
      ./Link importcertificates /home/myuser/ssl-certificates/self-signed-test/server-key.pem /home/myuser/ssl-certificates/self-signed-test/server-crt.pem /home/myuser/ssl-certificates/self-signed-test/self_ca_root.pem
  7. Restart the Link application. If your user profile has all the appropriate privileges, open a shell and change the working directory to the installation root.
    1. In case of Microsoft Windows, execute the following commands:
    2. In case of Linux-based systems, execute the following commands:
      ./Link stop
      ./Link start