Logging categories

The logging categories provide a variety of debugging information.

They are used to determine which severity levels and components to debug.


Provide the specific category, such as Trace, Debug, Info, Warning or Fatal, for the log level and false to turn that logging category off, or true (to turn that category on) for n.

Example: /runtime/Connections Manager/log/
trace: true
Logging Category Value Description
trace false Disabled
true Enables the logging of sequence of events

Example Results:

Before Resource Pending <map>

After Resource Pending <map>

debug false Disabled
true Enables the logging of information to diagnose adapter connection behavior

Example Results:

New audit file name <name>

Adapter wildcard.<wildcard>

info false Disabled
true Enables the logging of general information about the state of adapter connections

Example Results:

:Map started

InitPendingHigh reached

warning false Disabled
true Enables the logging of issues that are not severe, but might be important to know

Example Results:

Resource Manager table too small - using default

Map warning <map>

error false Disabled
true Enables the logging of critical adapter connection errors

Example Results:

Map failure <map>

Socket failure <socket_type>

fatal false Disabled
true Enables the logging of a fatal error

Example Results:

Corrupted MMC file during initialization <mmc_name>

Adapter listener Initialization failure <adapter>