Installing Domino Volt

To install Domino Volt, complete the following tasks:

Extract installation files

Extract the installation package (.zip file) to any temporary directory on the server.

This installation package will contain the following (minimum) subfolders:
  • bundles: OSGI content to be deployed to the server
  • linux: Linux operating-system specific content
  • templates: Domino application templates used by Volt
  • windows: Windows operating-system specific content

Run the installation script

Note: Important: You must stop the Domino server before running the install script.
  1. Open a command line console to the server.
    • For Windows open using an account with elevated administrative privileges such as the Administrator account.
    • For Linux open SSH console to the server. For Linux you will either need to be using the root account or an account with sudo privileges.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate subfolder (windows or linux) and run the install script.
    • For Windows this is install.bat.
    • For Linux you may need to add executable permissions to the script using the command: sudo +x install.
  3. Answer the questions and follow the instructions from the script.