Creating a Docker container for Volt

After you have imported the sample data into your volume, create the container to run the Volt server using that volume:
docker run -it --name <container name> -v <volume name>:/local/notesdata \
  --hostname <hostname> --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p 1352:1352 -p 80:80 \
  -e VOLT_SERVER_URI=<volt server uri> <image>
  • container name is the name of the new container.
  • volume name is the name of the volume you just created.
  • hostname is fully qualified name of the host system.
  • volt server uri is Volt server URI.
  • image identifies the volt-docker image you loaded in Loading the volt-docker tar archive file to Docker.
For example, the following command starts a container named renovations and associates it with the sample-data volume:
docker run -it --name renovations -v sample-data:/local/notesdata \
  --hostname --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p 1352:1352 -p 80:80 \
  -e VOLT_SERVER_URI= volt-docker:V1101-
The Volt server URI is passed to the container as an environment variable (VOLT_SERVER_URI).
Note: This assumes the serverURI setting is disabled in the sample VoltConfig.nsf file. This is important because the VoltConfig.nsf setting, when enabled, overrides the environment variable you specify in the docker run command.
The value of VOLT_SERVER_URI should be <protocol>://<hostname>/volt-apps, where:
  • protocol is the URL protocol as configured by the Volt server. In this example, the protocol is http, but a different sample server might use https.
  • hostname is the fully qualified name of the host system.


The Volt server container is created. The underlying Domino server starts and is ready to use. Launch a browser and visit the Volt Manager page.
Note: The absolute URL depends on your server host name and whether you have enabled HTTPS on your server. The relative URL is /volt-apps/secure/org/ide/manager.html. For example, if the container host name is, the absolute URL might be