Cluster Manager statistics

Other than AvailabilityIndex, AvailabilityThreshold, and ExpansionFactor, each Domino® cluster manager statistics name includes the prefix Server.Cluster, which is not included in the names in this table. AvailabilityIndex, AvailabilityThreshold, and ExpansionFactor include the prefix Server.

Table 1. Statistic names

Statistic name



Shows the names and the availability indexes of the servers in the cluster


A measure of a server's availability. 0 (zero) indicates no available resources; 100 indicates complete server availability


The current availability threshold of the server. When the availability index is less than or equal to the availability threshold, the server is put into the BUSY state.


The current expansion factor. This value is used to compute the availability index. A value of 1 indicates that the server is completing transactions at the minimum time for that server. A value of 64 indicates that it is taking 64 times longer than the minimum time to complete transactions. By default, an expansion factor of 64 indicates a fully loaded server, and results in an availability index of 0 (zero). You can use the NOTES.INI setting Server_Transinfo_Range to change the expansion factor value that indicates a fully loaded server.


Total times that server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by replica ID


Total times that server is unable to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by replica ID


Total times server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by path name


Total times server is unable to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by path name


Total times server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by replica ID when the server is BUSY


Total times server is unable to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by replica ID when the server is BUSY


Total times that server is unable to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by path name when the server is BUSY


Total times that server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by path name when the server is BUSY


Total client requests when all servers are BUSY


Total times a client tries to open a database that is marked out-of-service on the server


Total times a client tries to open a database on the server when the server is BUSY


Default port used for intra-cluster network traffic or an asterisk, which indicates there is no default port and any available active port can be used


Total times that a server completes a probe of the other cluster members


Total times that a server receives an error when probing another server


Shows the interval at which an intracluster probe occurs

This statistic does not appear in the Cluster statistics report, but you can use the Show Stat command to view it or you can add it to the Cluster statistics report form.