Planning HCL Traveler upgrades

If upgrading a Domino server that runs HCL Traveler, keep the following points in mind:

About this task

  • If you plan to upgrade Domino and Traveler at the same time, upgrade Domino first.
  • You can install and run Traveler on any version of Domino that Traveler supports. Best practice is to use the latest maintenance level of the Domino version you choose.
  • If you upgrade the Domino server major version, you must re-run the Traveler installation to ensure the proper binary files are installed. For example, if running Traveler V12 on Domino V10.0.1 and you upgrade to Domino V12, re-run the HCL Traveler V12 installer.
For more information, see the Upgrade considerations and overview in the Traveler documentation.