Preventing users from acknowledging a request for a return receipt on iNotes® incoming mail messages

Use a server notes.ini file parameter to show or suppress a prompt that lets the HCL iNotes® client user choose whether to acknowledge a request for a return receipt on an incoming message.

About this task

If you do not set the notes.ini file parameter, a return receipt is sent when a user receives a request for one.


In the server's notes.ini file, set the iNotes_WA_SendReturnReceipt setting as explained here:
  • iNotes_WA_SendReturnReceipt=2

    Displays a prompt giving the iNotes® user the choice whether to acknowledge a request for a return receipt.

  • iNotes_WA_SendReturnReceipt=1

    Always sends a return receipt; does not offer the user a choice.

  • iNotes_WA_SendReturnReceipt=0

    Never sends a return receipt; does not offer the user a choice.