Distinguished name syntax in multiple-directory environments

For a multiple directory environment that include entries that reside in both HCL Domino® and LDAP directories, it's important to understand in what contexts to use an HCL Notes® distinguished name and in what contexts to use an LDAP D distinguished nameN (defined in RFC 2253).

Use a Notes® distinguished name (DN) in a Domino® database field or ACL, and use an LDAP DN in an LDAP directory attribute.

Name conversions between Notes® and LDAP DN syntaxes may be necessary in multiple directory environments. For example, when entering the DN of an entry that resides in an LDAP directory in the ACL of a Domino® database (or an additional value of Fullname), convert it to its Notes® DN equivalent. Or, when using the Notes® DN mapping feature in Directory Assistance, convert the Notes® DN to its LDAP equivalent and use that value in the specified attribute of the LDAP directory.

Note: Do not add an LDAP DN as the second value in a Domino Fullname field, as this value is the Notes® "Common name" value.

Reference the following table for how to do these conversions.

Table 1. Converting Character Name to LDAP and Notes® Distinguished Names

Real Character in Name Component

LDAP DN Representation

Notes® DN Representation

, <comma>

\, <backslash + comma>

, <comma>

+ <plus>

\+ <backslash + plus>

+ <plus>

\ <backslash>

\\ <backslash + backslash>

\ <backslash>

> <greaterthan>

\> <backslash + backslash>

> <greaterthan>

< <lessthan>

\< <backslash + lessthan>

< <lessthan>

; <semicolon>

\; <backslash + semicolon>

; <semicolon>

" <doublequote>

\" <backslash + doublequote>


= <equals>

\= <backslash + equals>


# <numbersign>

\# <backslah + numbersign>


@ <atsign>

@ <atsign>


/ <slash>

/ <slash>
