Setting up Web server gzip compression on the Web Site document

You can enable compression of Domino® Web Engine output and specify other settings for gzip compression on Web servers. When you use the settings on the Web Site document, the settings apply to those Web sites to which the Web Site document applies. After completing the procedures, be sure to restart the Web server to allow the settings to take effect.


  1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab, expand the Web section, and click Internet Sites.
  2. Choose the Web Site document you want to edit, and click Edit Document.
  3. Click the Domino Web Engine tab and complete the following settings:
    Table 1. Compression section settings



    Compress output

    Choose Enable if you want to enable compression of Domino Web Engine output and to activate other compression settings on this tab. Compression of output only applies to HTTP clients that support gzip (GNU zip) compression.

    Minimum compress content length

    Specify the minimum size of content that can be compressed. The default setting is 300 bytes.

    Compress to file threshold

    Specify the minimum size of content that will be compressed to disk. If response content is greater than the value of this setting, the compression of the content will be done to a temporary disk file to reduce process memory usage. The default setting is 1 MB.

    Include MIME types

    Specify the MIME types to consider for compression. MIME types that are specified in the Exclude MIME type field will not be compressed even if they fit the parameters of MIME types to be included for compression.

    Exclude MIME types

    Specify the MIME types to be excluded from consideration for compression. Output types specified here should be a subset of those types specified in the Include MIME types field.

  4. Save and close the document.
  5. Restart the Web server.