Administration Process Statistics

Use the Administration Process statistics to monitor and review the administration process activity on the servers in your Domino® domains.

Table 1. Statistics and descriptions

Administration Process Statistic

Reason for update to statistic


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process modifies a database ACL.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process modifies a database due to a user name change, resulting in a change to Reader and/or Author fields for that database.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process deletes a mail file due to a mail database move, or when user, the user's mail file and replica are deleted. This statistic is also updated when replicas are removed due to a Delete Database request.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process creates a mail file due to a mail file move.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process updates an appointment due to a name change.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process updates the calendar profiles due to a user's name change.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process removes a design element from a database. In most cases this occurs when a user is deleted and the agents that were created by the user are removed from a database.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process deletes entries from the Domino Directory, for example, deletions due to deleting a user or a server.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process modifies entries in the Domino Directory, for example, when a user is renamed.


Statistic is updated when the Administration Process updates entries in the Domino Directory, for example, when Mail-In database entries are added for future processing.

Cross Domain Request Sent

Statistic is updated when the Administration Process sends requests from one domain to another domain. This occurs when cross-domain processing is enabled.

Cross Domain Request Rejected

Statistic is updated when the Administration Process receives or rejects requests from another domain. This occurs when cross-domain processing is enabled.

Cross Domain Request Accepted

Statistic is updated when the Administration Process receives or accepts requests from another domain. This occurs when cross-domain processing is enabled.