Using the Repair command in a symmetrical cluster

Use the server command Repair to issue a variety of requests related to missing database scanning and repair.


The following Repair commands are available.
Table 1. Repair commands
Command Description
repair list servers Lists the available donor servers from which this server can get files that it needs.
Note: Servers must be at least Domino 10 to participate. Servers in the cluster that run earlier versions are ignored.
repair list files Lists all the databases that cluster configuration indicates should be on this server. For each one, indicates whether it is present or missing.
repair list missing Lists all the databases that cluster configuration indicates should be on this server that are missing.

This command also shows any files that are disqualified from repair because they do not have consistent file names and paths across replicas. See the example after the table.

repair file <file> <server>

where <file> is a monitored database relative to the data directory and <server> is the canonical name of an optional preferred donor server.

Database example:
repair file mail\sdaryn.nsf CN=Mail2/O=Renov
Issues a request to the repair service to repair a missing database.
repair all Scans all monitored folders for missing database files and associated DAOS objects, similar to the AutoRepair task.
repair disable <database> Excludes a database from missing files scans, for example, a database that is being restored from backup. The database views in the Cluster Database Directory database (cldbdir.nsf) include a Repair column that indicates when repair is disabled for a particular database.
Note: If you use the Database > Delete option from the Tools tab of the Domino Administrator to delete a database and you select the Also delete replicas of this database on all other servers, repair is disabled for the database if you use at least Domino Administrator 10 client. If you use an earlier version of the client, run the repair disable command on the database before you select this option.
repair enable <database> Includes a database in missing file scans again.
repair show config Shows the current settings in the Cluster Configuration document.


Here is example output for the repair list missing command that shows files that are disqualified due to inconsistent paths or file names.
> repair list missing
No missing files for server CN=ServerOne/O=Acme

These files have been disqualified from repair because they have different names, pathseplicaid
85258272:0048DFD2  ServerOne/Acme           mail1\wslack.nsf  <<< same file, different paths
85258272:0048DFD2  ServerTwo/Acme           mail2\wslack.nsf

85258272:004C0D55  ServerTwo/Acme           mail4\mhill.nsf   <<< same file, different case
85258272:004C0D55  ServerTwo/Acme           mail4\mHill.nsf

85258272:004989CD  ServerOne/Acme           mail2\wrongname.nsf <<< different names for the same database
85258272:004989CD  ServerThree/Acm          mail2\tmccown.nsf
85258272:004989CD  ServerTwo/Acme           mail2\tmccown.nsf